Thursday begins a relatively mild period where there are no major aspects perfecting until Sunday, shortly followed by the Full Moon Monday. We can anticipate some important lessons are coming to us this weekend and we are not to be bothered by too much astrological noise. Our only event today is the moon shifting from Taurus to Gemini at 8:06PM. Given the outward masculine nature of Gemini, we can infer that the weekend may not move slowly. The sign is also highly focused on communication and new ideas. They may actually be overwhelming at times. We succeed by taking advantage of opportunities that come along but also knowing when to say NO. The final note about the Moon is that it wraps up the First Quarter phase today. The First Quarter energy is about stepping out and taking action. We may find the outward energy stays with us through the day and into Friday, however if we begin to feel the inward crescent energy, trust in the shifts happening. The Crescent phase is all about trusting in the process as we are setup for the full moon of clarity and revelation. There are two third quarter solar cycles (Capricorn and Aquarius) so we likely will not get the major revelations until the February 12th Full Moon. We will talk more about this as we get closer to Monday.
Today we have the Sun at, “a hidden choir singing,” and Earth at, “Venetian gondoliers in serenade.” We can anticipate that we have much to sing about Thursday. Take in this feel-good energy while it is here. My only caution is against getting sweet talked or avoiding a truth that is staring you in the face.
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