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September 28, 2024 – Practical before Pretty

Writer's picture: Justan ReavisJustan Reavis

Saturday brings a full day of Leo and since Leo is ruled by the Sun, we can anticipate sunny energy. It is a complementary energy to the balsamic phase we are now entering. We begin the inward forgiving, releasing and dreaming about the Libra new moon, which is conjunct the Black Moon and the professor peering over his glasses. We can anticipate a lesson in skill and sticking with what we are good at. If we are unsure what to do specifically, you are in the right place, by staying out of your own way, the right signs will present themselves.

The Sun and Earth support this learning period and since Mercury's busy few days there may be some good communicating involved. The Sun is pointing towards holding fast to our ideals of excellence or perfection and being willing to work towards them. As long as we are not bitter or lose faith, we may receive verification of something we believed in, but could only hope would be true. Imagination is abundant and the Earth provides the revelation. Something hidden may come to light and the potential is high it will be involving ownership or possession of something. Our solution is in not being focused on one side of something as with a square there are four. Things may not be as they seem so if we are forced to choose between aesthetic and practical, go with what is practical, sensible or most utilitarian.

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