Wednesday is our first full day in the sign of Cancer and second in third quarter phase. We can anticipate home and family combined with revision and realignment in an outer vs inner way. We feel the third quarter like maturity and old age for the lesson of this Virgo cycle. What reformation is occurring after the full moon crisis? We have more time in the third quarter phase and the balsamic phase left to go before the Libra New Moon, October 2.
The only exact aspect is again with Mercury (28°Vi23’) today as it opposes Neptune Rx (28°Pi23’) at 7:06AM. This is the last inner planet to oppose Neptune until next year's parade through the Zodiac. We can take this finality as the culmination of a lesson given the symbolism for the aspect, Personal Mind or how we interpret the world (Mercury) intensifying dissolution of boundaries (Neptune) also while retrograde which can reverse the Neptune octave and create boundaries for us instead. Depending on our personal situations.
We look to the Sun and Earth for highlights about our struggle between the individual and collective highest good. The Sun speaks to innovation or a fresh start. We should be prepared to be flexible and creative as referenced in the Mercury aspect. We succeed by being resourceful and trying not to stop progress or keep things the same way. The Earth speaks to putting social goals above our personal goals. With this "indicator" we are able to avoid the lower octave of bringing shame to a group we are a part of or stereotyping someone unfairly because of their group affiliations. We find success in working toward achievement of home and family efforts with sharing your skills or talents with others.
#MooninCancer #SuninLibra #EarthinAries #MercuryinVirgo #VenusinScorpio #MarsinCancer #JupiterinGemini #SaturninPisces #UranusinTaurus #NeptuneinPisces #PlutoinCapricorn #ChironinAries #BlackMooninLibra #NorthNodeinAries #Astrology #SabianSymbols #MissionAstrology #Astrology101 #DailyHoroscope
