Happy Halloween Everyone! The spooky energy begins today but really hits on Friday with the New Moon in Scorpio. Today, we have the moon moving from Libra to Scorpio at 1:29PM. As a reminder, the Scorpio moon phase usually includes contemplating deeper things in life and improved intuition. At the lower end, we want to avoid unnecessary conflict, as it is more likely to end poorly. It is likely our attention will be on the deeper contemplating aspects for Thursday since we are wrapping up the balsamic phase of releasing and dreaming. We are essentially at the middle of the solar “full” cycle as it continues through the end of November. We are being given clarity and revelation about our identity, don’t miss the message because of anger or being caught up in the daily drama of life.
The only perfecting aspect today is our communication powering creativity with Mercury (27°Sc30’) trine Neptune Rx (27°Pi30’) 8:33PM. It is likely our views of creativity or life purpose may be undergoing reworking since Neptune is retrograde. We already know Mercury has been on a journey to improve our ways of communicating with others and ourselves, this adds another layer. Often, this aspect looks like improved use of imagination. Improved accuracy with intuition (see Scorpio Moon cycle above) and appreciation of subtleties or artistic pursuits. Take the time to check-in with yourself to see where signs are becoming clear about where your self and energy are being improved for a greater humanity. We get this message from the North and South nodes as they are nearing the border of Aries and Libra. Our next lesson for humanity will be surrounding the Pisces/Virgo signs of the divine/retreat and work/health. We will be learning how to balance between worldly pleasures and those which are truly fulfilling.
#MooninLibra #SuninScorpio #EarthinTaurus #MercuryinScorpio #VenusinSagittarius #MarsinCancer #JupiterinGemini #SaturninPisces #UranusinTaurus #NeptuneinPisces #PlutoinCapricorn #ChironinAries #BlackMooninLibra #NorthNodeinAries #Astrology #SabianSymbols #MissionAstrology #Astrology101 #DailyHoroscope
