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October 16, 2024 – In Giving, We Receive

Writer's picture: Justan ReavisJustan Reavis

Wednesday is our first light day in a while. We have no major astrological shifts or aspects perfecting today. It is the only full day of Moon in Aries energy and the last day of the Gibbous phase. We can assume there are some lessons to be put together in this day from the last few days of heavy action. The Gibbous, trusting phase is wrapping up and we may even begin to receive messages about the full moon clarity and revelation, due to the Full Moon perfecting at 7:26AM Thursday.

The Sun at, “a third wing on the left side of a butterfly” and Earth at, “an open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia” give us better insight to navigate the day. Our identity will likely be focused on the house where 23 degrees Libra is in the birth chart. The third wing is certainly different but we must assume it gives the butterfly extra potential. We are reminded of our own uniqueness and how something may appear defective but in fact is quite valuable. Balance is found between rejecting things that don’t measure up to standards of perfection vs overvaluing something based on rarity. The open window indicates it is a day to think positively and act generously. If we can truly be self-less, good fortune and unexpected gifts of all kinds may be available to us. Our only word of caution is against using others misfortune to make us feel better about ourselves or try to earn “good karma.”

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