Monday brings the only full day of the moon in Pisces and the first day of the Gibbous phase. We are likely to feel an inward shift where our ability to trust the process will be tested. Given the watery, feminine space of the moon in Pisces (my natal placement) we can expect highs and lows but opportunities for breakthrough if we put in the work.
Overnight, we have the Sun (21°Li28’) square Mars (21°Cn28’) at 4:15AM. This fits with the energy of yesterday when the Sun, Mercury and Chiron were so active. Today, our Identity Changes our Energy. This tends to look like more competitive spirit than cooperative. We are cautioned to solve problems instead of creating them. With the Moon in Pisces, we are able to tap into restraint. If you find yourself hurting another human with words, ask yourself if you were hurt or you are being given an opportunity to apologize and grow by transcending a conditioned trauma response.
Late in the day, Venus (26°Sc30’) opposes Uranus Rx (26°Ta30’) at 6:21PM. This is our relationships intensified by eccentricity. We may find ourselves on an unpredictable path so go with the flow. There might be an exciting creative project or person which comes to light and creates some tension. As with the above aspect, the situation is likely an opportunity to look within ourselves and grow as a person.
#MooninPisces #SuninLibra #EarthinAries #MercuryinScorpio #VenusinScorpio #MarsinCancer #JupiterinGemini #SaturninPisces #UranusinTaurus #NeptuneinPisces #PlutoinCapricorn #ChironinAries #BlackMooninLibra #NorthNodeinAries #Astrology #SabianSymbols #MissionAstrology #Astrology101 #DailyHoroscope
