Tuesday is our second day with the moon in the Sagittarius sign and crescent phase. We are feeling a bit out of sorts with the Sagittarius masculine energy and the crescent inward challenging energy. This opposition is highlighted in the astrology of the day also.
Before sunrise, we experience Venus (18°Sc38’) trine Mars (18°Cn38’) at 6:21AM. This is an interesting aspect with the parrot listening then talking powering a priest performing a marriage ceremony. This indicates a requirement to put in the work to gain the rewards. The parrot only speaks because of the repetitive nature of speech as well as a desire to communicate with fellow humans. We are cautioned to not set bad examples for other to follow. The Priest highlights giving of one’s self in preserving the values of society and the rewards such service brings. This is an aspect that finds us asking for satisfaction and highlights not being satisfied with the illusion of truth. These symbols and their associated planets show our relationships powering our energy. It is a good time to discover a passion, or asking what is your heart’s desire? It could be a person, vocation or hobby, don’t be afraid of action.
About two hours later, Mercury (21°Li20’) perfects trine to Jupiter (21°Ge20’) at 8:22AM. This is our communication powering expansion. The Moon is in Sagittarius the ruler of Jupiter making this expansion possible in the emotional phase of life as well. The child is giving birds a drink of water powering a barn dance. This sounds like quite the positive aspect which allows us to give more than we make by ourselves. Sharing with others and giving to those in need is a lesson we should all be prepared to live on Tuesday. The aspect also promotes good judgement and the ability to think speculatively or see the whole picture. We are likely interested in learning or teaching to expand knowledge of a subject.
Also before lunch time, Mercury (21°Li39’) opposes Chiron Rx (21°Ar29’) at 10:36AM. This is our communication intensifying wounding, healing and teaching. Compared to the other two aspects, this is our challenging one by a great margin. Our memories and dreams are likely to be strong now. It is a time to forgive and forget. This is confirmed by the child giving birds a drink intensifying the gate to the garden of desire, while intensity can be scary, there is a silver lining. I believe our communication is expanded with Jupiter, then we are given the “problem” with Chiron so that we may learn a lesson. This is a heavy astrological week so be sure to learn the lessons as they come because playing catch-up will not be easy.
#MooninSagittarius #SuninLibra #EarthinAries #MercuryinLibra #VenusinScorpio #MarsinCancer #JupiterinGemini #SaturninPisces #UranusinTaurus #NeptuneinPisces #PlutoinCapricorn #ChironinAries #BlackMooninLibra #NorthNodeinAries #Astrology #SabianSymbols #MissionAstrology #Astrology101 #DailyHoroscope
