Can you believe June is almost over? We are nearing the end of the Gemini new moon cycle as the moon moved from Aries/Taurus at 8:00AM. We may find the next 2.5 days create stability and security rather than new activities. We want to use this time to revise or realign existing projects since the moon is also in Third Quarter phase. Our major astrological event today is Saturn stationing retrograde at 19°Pi25'. It will remain in retrograde until November 16 and rework the energy from 19°Pi25' (A table set for an evening meal) back to 12°Pi41' (a sword in a museum). Saturn passed this degree on March 23 so the energy of that day +/-1 will likely have an impact till November. We will likely find insight in seeing how these symbols fit together as well. In my daily practice I see people fear retrograde, I find that they are only putting us in the place we needed to be. I think of them like a traffic detour, we still get to the destination, we may even see something exciting along the way.
The Sun is at a large diamond not completely cut and the Earth is discharging an albatross feeding from the hand. The sun speaks to hidden promises, the image depicts work on something of great value and symbolized the process of striving toward perfection. We may recognize unrealized opportunities and find a great advantage in the unseen. Do not judge only based on appearance or you may end up with a pig in a poke. The Earth reminds us of the golden rule. This speaks to man’s desire to make a place in the world and the fact he needs the cooperation of others to do so. The emphasis is on generosity, care and concern for others. We want to live by example today and every day. Our greatest advantage lies in helping others in need and guarding against disabling others by doing what they can do for themselves (which can sometimes lead to them depending on you for all needs)
#MooninTaurus #SuninCancer #EarthinCapricorn #MercuryinCancer #VenusinCancer #MarsinTaurus #JupiterinGemini #SaturninPisces #UranusinTaurus #NeptuneinPisces #PlutoinAquarius #ChironinAries #BlackMooninLibra #NorthNodeinAries #Astrology #SabianSymbols #MissionAstrology #Astrology101 #DailyHoroscope