Good morning, all!
The Moon is still in the new phase within the sign of Leo.
Most of our astrological signatures will be occurring before noon. 1.) The Black Moon moved to 01° Libra @ 5:55AM for all those tracking aspects to your natal chart. 2.) Venus (26°Cn02') sextile Uranus (26°Ta02') @ 7:04AM ushers in potential for an exciting creative person or project to come to light. This is an unpredictable energy (sometimes romantic) asking us to go with the flow.
3.) Mercury (09°Le50') will sextile Jupiter (09°Ge50') at 10:26AM. This gives us positive thinking, teaching, and an overall interest in expanding knowledge/communication.
4.) Lastly, Mercury (10°Le14') makes trine to the North Node (10°Ar14') at 4:46PM bringing energy to team-based projects. Cooperation is the way to reap rewards today.
This moon cycle asks us to express ourselves individually in a way that supports the whole. Today brings attention to the group aspect with mercury talking to Jupiter and the North Node. At its most basic, Jupiter is expansion and North Node is destiny. We have positive aspects between communication and expanding our destiny. All the signs point toward receiving a message about our destiny if were able to be active participants in our own lives.
#MooninLeo #SuninCancer #EarthinCapricorn #MercuryinLeo #VenusinCancer #MarsinTaurus #JupiterinGemini #SaturninPisces #UranusinTaurus #NeptuneinPisces #PlutoinAquarius #ChironinAries #BlackMooninLibra #NorthNodeinAries #Astrology #SabianSymbols #MissionAstrology #Astrology101 #DailyHoroscope
