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January 30, 2025 – Hearing the Messages

Writer's picture: Justan ReavisJustan Reavis

Thursday, we find our astrological events occurring late in the afternoon. Most of the day will have the moon in Aquarius therefore we may be focused on humanitarian or group activities. At 5:52PM, the moon moves from Aquarius to Pisces. This shift is likely to have us slowing down to rest. It is probably subtle areas of life will come into focus – like art, philanthropy, spirituality and general creative pursuits. If you are having a hard time deciding, tune into your intuition for help with choosing what to pursue. We are still in the New Moon phase of beginning and intending, which is an outward, yang phase where we will be receiving messages from other people vs finding answers in solitude.

Our aspect of the day occurs at almost the same time the Moon changes signs. We will be feeling the Sun (11°Aq18’) trine Jupiter Rx (11°Ge18’) at 5:58PM which is our identity powering reforming expansion. This is a benefic aspect which should have us feeling confident and optimistic. It is a time to make the most of the sunny period and expand our horizons, which is also supported by moon in Pisces. Lastly, we prepare for Uranus to station direct tomorrow, returning some stability to the everchanging collective conscious.  

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