Monday brings our astrological action late in the day. The first event is Mercury (11°Aq16’) trine Jupiter Rx (11°Ge16’) at 4:51PM. This is Jupiter’s last aspect before turning direct tomorrow. Mercury in Aquarius is bringing change and innovation while Jupiter is in the last stages of reforming expansion in the sign of ideas or thoughts about everything. This is a positive powering relationship that indicates good judgement and taking in the whole picture. We may be interested in learning or teaching something new but positive thinking is layered in. We can expect with Jupiter turning directions, the rubber band is being stretched before snapping back the other direction.
A few hours later, Mars Rx (19°Cn35’) squares Chiron (19°Ar35’) at 9:44PM. This is our reforming energy changing our inner wounded healer and teacher. We are being given the opportunity to heal rifts and direct our energy more positively. There is a chance that love will bring us pain around this aspect so keep your heart in mind.
Just before midnight the moon moves from Aries to Taurus (10:33PM) marking the shift in our emotional body from being “fired up” about new projects to grounding ourselves about how we will have the resources to complete these projects. We are establishing routines and returning to stability and security. Consolidate your projects rather than finding new ones to add to your plate. We have the second day of crescent energy presenting challenges aligning with the Aquarius new moon and a popularity that proves to be fleeting. We cannot be everything for everyone so as we see what we CAN NOT do, we also find what we CAN do.
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