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Writer's pictureJustan Reavis

December 12, 2024 – Activation Code

We enter Thursday with an aspect right around sunrise. Venus (5°Aq58’) opposes Mars Rx (5°Le58’) at 6:46AM and symbolizes our relationships intensifying reforming energy. We may feel tense, but turn this energy into action. We may discover our life’s passion under this aspect. Be aware for people, hobbies or projects that inspire you.

Regarding the moon, it is still in the sign of Taurus and spending its only complete day there this cycle. We are aiming for routine and consolidation of existing projects. This means maybe, the passion we discover is an old one we thought wasn’t “for us.” We are likely to find ourselves focused on activities that bring us stability and security. It is likely with the moon in the gibbous phase of trust, we will be presented with an inward lesson. Sometime this month our lesson about the Sagittarius new moon will show itself. If we aren’t sure what to look for, keep in mind, Sag is ruled by Jupiter therefore expansion is a common feature. Be alert for a person, place or thing expanding to the point that action is required on your part. This will be the calling card of your lesson. Reach out for a reading to find the exact location of Sagittarius in your birth chart, this will show us where you are being activated right now!

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