We start Monday with the moon moving from Pisces to Aries at 9:38AM which supports the first quarter phase energy. Aries moon phase is about beginning new projects and finding new opportunities. We only have to exercise patience and selflessness when possible. First quarter is about stepping out and taking action on the seed that was planted December 1 with the Sagittarius new moon cycle.
The only perfecting aspect today is Sun (18°Sg05’) sextile Black Moon (18°Li05’) at 12:13PM. This is our identity easing our shadow side. As a reminder, the Black Moon takes about 9 years to get through all 12 zodiac signs. When the BM went to Libra it began the “Full” cycle of light and clarity, this is also the midpoint of the 9-year cycle that began January 27, 2020. This means the Sun/Black Moon conjunction October 3 in Libra, as well as todays aspect, are connected with lessons or parts of our shadow side that were seeded during that time. This was a tumultuous time for most of us so take a moment to reflect today on how you have shifted your actions or mindset about your “areas of opportunity.”
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