Sunday is the first full day of Aquarius energy. It is also flavored by the Gibbous phase for one more day. The Full Moon is Monday at 2:25PM. Mercury is getting involved in the activity today setting the stage for clarity and revelation which comes during the full phase.
The Sun conjuncts Mercury retrograde (26°Le35’) at 9:58PM. Conjunctions are beginnings, and the Sun and Mercury play tag more than other planets. Look to see how your communication and identity are reworked in the time before they come back together on October 1st in Libra. We can get another layer of clarity about the beginning August 29 when Mercury turns direct again. Regardless, Sunday and Monday should be days where we aim to be as clear as possible when communicating verbally or in writing.
Before the sun rises, we also have Mercury Rx (27°Le10’) square Uranus (27°Ta10’) at 5:46AM. This aspect is double change layering into our communications which are already undergoing a reworking. Yay. Be kind to yourself Sunday as it can be marked by mental tension. Rigidity of mind or viewpoints. Interrupting communications and challenging of our viewpoints. Be kind and show love if you are unsure how to behave, it always works. This is a pretty loaded week ahead so take Sunday to consider the Sabian for the Sun, "a rainbow," which indicates a turning point. There is great advantage in finding the hidden promise in even the worst circumstances. The Earth's Hydrometer will help us evaluate situations. By remaining objective and scientific, we can avoid becoming burnt out on irrelevant details or overcome by every little thing that goes wrong. We've got this!
#MooninAquarius #SuninLeo #EarthinAquarius #MercuryinLeo #VenusinVirgo #MarsinGemini #JupiterinGemini #SaturninPisces #UranusinTaurus #NeptuneinPisces #PlutoinAquarius #ChironinAries #BlackMooninLibra #NorthNodeinAries #Astrology #SabianSymbols #MissionAstrology #Astrology101 #DailyHoroscope